Grand Theft Auto V Back in the Top Spot!
Grand Theft Auto V was released way back in 2013 and its subsequent success since then shows no signs of ease, pushing many incredible titles such as Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled back down in their place and giving some of the most popular and religiously followed games a run for their money in the UK game charts and further afield.
And now it’s back in the top spot!
The question we must all be asking ourselves is, what is the next game that will prove to be as popular as our beloved GTA V?
Well the answer we are looking for is most likely be the next GTA title, Grand Theft Auto VI.
Expected release date to be confirmed around August 2020, in anticipation of the next generation of consoles, Xbox 2 and PlayStation 5.
Rockstar are seeking to make significant changes to their online play and graphics while cutting down on their story mode content and sticking to a single character system, which should fit nicely with the next generation of consoles, and hopefully also with Google Stadia which would allow the game to be played on virtually any system.
Still early days yet but we are waiting with bated breath to hear more game announcements.